

The 13th Diaspora Film Festival is now open for submissions! ¡Ú[ENG]_Regulations_of_the_13th_DIAFF.pdf (149 KB)(58)



The 13th Diaspora Film Festival is now open for submissions!



DIAFF is a film festival for films with themes on migration, refugees and separation, in the hopes of representing the voices of those who have lost their homes or were forced to relocate from the cities and towns where they built their lives. We look forward to seeing your work that tell the story of Diaspora living all over the world!



1. Eligibility

a. Production Date: All submissions should be completed after January 2023.

b. Genre/Length: Films of all genres and lengths are considered for the selection.

c. Themes:

- The films addressing diaspora issues of ¡®Migration¡¯, ¡®Transfer¡¯ and ¡®Separation¡¯.

- The films around ¡®Race¡¯, ¡®Nation (or Nationality)¡¯, ¡®War/Conflict¡¯, ¡®Refugee¡¯, ¡®Generation¡¯, ¡®Gender¡¯, ¡®Sexuality¡¯ and ¡®Environment¡¯ from the diaspora point of view.

- The films addressing the story of those who leave their own communities and seek new places for various reasons including social, political, economic and cultural matters.

d. Subtitles:

- English Subtitles: Films not in English or containing non-English dialogue must have English subtitles embedded in the final screening copy.(It may result in disqualification if not included.)

e. Others:

- Any nationality can participate.

- Films screened at other festivals or released theatrically are eligible.

- A preview screener must be the same cut as the final screening copy. If a screening copy is different from the preview screener, it should be informed to the festival immediately.

- Material submitted for pre-selection will not be returned.


2. Deadlines

-  December 2nd (Mon), 2024 ~ January 31st (Fri) 24:00 (KST), 2025


3. Submission

- Please fill in the application from on the entry website, and submit it with the online screener link.

¡Ø Website:

¡Ø Once you upload both application and screener, your application will be considered complete.


4. Selection

- Final selection is made by the programmer(s) of DIAFF and selected films are personally informed. The list of finalists will be published on the official website.

- Once the screening agreement is submitted, the selected film cannot be withdrawn from the festival program.

- DIAFF pays flat fee for the screenings according to the internal regulations of the festival.


5. Note

- By submitting the completed application form, you confirm that you have read and agree to the official rules and terms including our regulations.

- For group entries, please contact us by email.


6. Request for Submission

Diaspora Film Festival Program Team




CopyRight Since 2016-2025 DIAFF.ORG All Rights RESERVED.